Busy Bees
The Bredenbury Busy Bees is a senior organization that operates out of the Busy Bee Hive. There are sixteen members that presently belong to this organization. Membership is $10.00 per year to join the group. They are looking for some new members to come out and support the group. 2 meetings per year, one in the spring and one in fall.
The President of the Busy Bees is Donna Senek and Secretary – Treasurer is Donna Kitzul.
The Busy Bees is available to rent at $75. It is an ideal facility for meetings, showers, socials, birthdays, etc. And will seat approximately 65-80 people. Kitchen, dishes and coffee maker are included in the rental.
If anyone is interested in booking the hall, call Donna Senek at 306-745-8149 or Donna Kitzul at 306-621-8467
A Health & Wellness Clinic is held the first Wednesday of each month from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. If you have any questions contact Gladys Andrew at 898-2324.
Come out and join the group as we need some new blood and ideas.