

A serviced lot is considered a lot where services run by along the nearest street. Both serviced and un-serviced lots are the same price. Bredenbury has several lots available in their community.

Residential lots sell for a price of $100 per frontage foot. Newer lots with services that are less than 5 years old sell for $250 a frontage foot.

Bredenbury also has Commercial Highway Property for sale - prices vary. All lots vary in size, and location.

When deciding to move to Bredenbury, you can come and choose your lot. All lot purchases are to be approved by Council.

Transfer of title will be completed when construction has started, this must be within one year of signing contract.

 A building permit and building inspection is required for all construction, costs payable by owner.

A legal survey also is required, for all new construction, costs payable by owner.