Office Hours:
The office is open Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Closed over lunch. Office is closed at other periods of time for meetings, helping public works, helping daycare, banking, etc.
The office will be closed January 1 & 2.
OSS Calendars:
The new garbage/recycle pickup calendars are attached to newsletters. Extras will be left at Community Bulletin Board and at the town office.
Overweight Permits:
The Town of Bredenbury has blocked all heavy traffic from using Broadway Avenue in Bredenbury except for local delivery drivers, local businesses and the RM of Saltcoats.
The RM of Saltcoats paid to have the West side of Broadway Avenue patched this fall and are they are also building a road around Bredenbury so that we don't have to have a seni or farm equipment go through again after this year.
Snow Removal:
This year we have had a lot of snow compared to other years. We will have a contractor come in and move some of the larger piles early in 2025.
We would like to remind residents that the streets that are done first is the bus route, then the other streets follow suit the back alleys are done last! After all snow is complete then public works will work on getting hydrants cleared.
As far as sidewalks/parking lots we start at the daycare, then proceed to Main Street.
When we have a lot of snow unfortunately there may be ridges left by the overflow of grader blade, if you are not capable of cleaning that snow on your own then call the office and we will put you on the list to have it removed, please note that it may take up to 3 days before we get to it and we will only do the frontage not entire driveways.
Utility Billings:
First Quarter 2025 utility bills mailed out on or before January 8, 2025. All utility bills are due January 31, 2025 or interest will be added automatically by system.
Unpaid utility bills will lead to disconnection of water services.
If you didn't pay 2024 taxes by December 31 you will see 10% interest added on Janaury 1.
Bills & Invoices & Receipts:
Just as a reminder you can receive your bills,invoices and receipts all by email. If you haven't already signed up for email billing consider doing so, it saves the municipality on postal costs.
Also as a reminder you can sign up with automatic monthly withdrawals for your utility bill and taxes. This service is handy because it saves you from forgetting to pay and accumulating interest. Call the office today to discuss.
United Church:
Regardless of the fact that the amount of snow we accumulated that was accompanied by a storm, you must admit how beautiful it is outside. Temperature has been fairly doable. Now is the time of year that we are thankful for all the blessings we are fortunate to have. It is hard to
believe another year has gone by.
The church is very grateful for all the assistance we have received in completing several successful fund raisers. Special thanks to Sandy Kotzer of Wine & Roses who has graciously donated a door prize for us over the years and to the Churchbridge Credit Union for the donation of shopping bags for our shoppers at the semi-annual craft show. Also we definitely appreciate the extra assistance given to us by the Town of Bredenbury, such as allowing us to use this newsletter to keep you informed on church activities and help we receive from the staff when needed. We thank our faithful vendors who have supported us. And, of course, the shoppers. A heartfelt thank you to our supporters who continue to assist in our various fund raisers. We couldn't do it without you. So, if you are one of our helpers, helping in any way with our fund raisers or church related events please consider this your thank you. You know who you are.
Saltcoats United Church and Bredenbury Knox United Church are holding a Silent Auction at the Laketown Players Dinner Theatre - Feb. 6,7,8 & 9, 2025.
Members, supporters and friends are invited to make donations of household, shop or outdoor items, baking, art pieces, crafts, etc. We welcome, new or gently-used items, business gift certificates, coupons for a future item or service - such as, snow shoveling or removal, a winter, spring or summer drive or tour, a fresh pie, buns, a meal delivered or hosted.
Wish to donate? Get more information? Drop something off? Or want to arrange for an item to be picked up? For Saltcoats call Heather Torrie - landline 306-744-2748 or text 306-217-7177. For Bredenbury, call or text Marlene Byczynski at 306-621-4065.
Upcoming services: January 12, 19 and February 9, 2025 at 11:00 am. We would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and all the best in 2025.
Pet Licenses:
Pet licenses for 2025 are now due. $10 per dog and $5 per cat. The pet tags help us find the the municipality. For a copy of the Pet Bylaw please contact the Town office.
Rink Skating:
Public Skating in January will be: January 3: 4-6pm; January 4: 3:30-5:30pm; January 12: 5:30-7pm; January 17: 4:30-6:30pm; January 18: 3:30-5:30pm; January 19: 10am-12pm; January 24: 4:30-6:30pm; January 26: 11am-1pm.
Bredenbury Community Fitness Center:
Reminder the fees for the gym are $35/month for a single and $60/month for a family. There are year rates as well. Gym memberships are due the 1st of every month. We encourage prepayment. Contact office for more information.
Busy Bees:
Busy Bees is going to start serving coffee and tea Monday to Friday afternoons from 2-4pm starting on January 6. Both men and women invited to join us. If you can help us by being on the volunteer schedule to make coffee please contact Donna at 306-745-8149.
Bredenbury Community Daycare:
Our dainty tray fundraiser was a success! Thank you to all the parents for providing the tasty baking and thank you to everyone who purchased dainty trays to support our daycare!
All families are required to fill in monthly calendars by the 20th of each month at 6:00pm. Failure to fill in your calendars will result in no childcare being available for your child.
Menu guidelines have changed for childcare facilities. New requirements are based on proportions for vegetables and fruit, proteins and whole grains shown on the Canada food guide plate diagram online. Snacks now consist of one vegetable or fruit and one grain or protein. Lunch consists of one fruit and vegetable or two vegetable options, a grain and a protein. The Canada Food Guide recommends dark green vegetables daily and orange vegetables at least a few times a week, whole grains should be offered regularly. Please keep this in mind when preparing meals at home.
We are excited to announce the opening of 11 more spots in our centre. Stay tuned for further details!
Be sure to check out our summer school age program survey on the Town of Bredenbury Facebook page!